Monday, June 11, 2012

Hats and other things

Since my last post, my darling granddaughter has been born. She was a whopping 10 lb. baby!!! This is a good thing as I never could get my crocheted baby hats to be small enough for a newborn.

So after I got done making hats and booties, I moved onto more challenging items. Toys!!!!
I fell in love with Amigurumi patterns. The only problem I have been having is that although the patterns are free, I cannot sell any toys that I make from the patterns. So, I have been attempting to design my own and are currently working on that. Here are some pics for the toys I have made and of course, given away.

I'm beginning to think that everyone that comes into our house needs to take a toy home with them, lol. The main point of all of this is that I am really enjoying the crocheting. Between this at night and the garden during the day, there is absolutely no time to get an outside job!!!!!